Do you know the name of your business or company that may make it bloom or doom? Yes, the name of the company or business firm is essential and plays a crucial role in affirming its success. Names are important whether they belong to an individual or a business company/firm. Since ancient times, popular branches of occult studies like astrology and numerology have stressed the importance of names and their symbolic energies.
In astrology, the name of a business has a lot of significance and may influence its success. According to some astrologers, the name of a business should be chosen carefully to align with the principles of astrology. According to it, each letter is associated with a planet and has unique astrological symbolism. By choosing a business name that aligns with these planetary energies, people can enhance the success of their businesses.
While astrology can be a valuable tool in business name selection, it's not the only factor to consider. Business success depends on market demand, competition, economic conditions, and effective business strategies.
Business Name Selection as per Birth Date
As said earlier, the name affects the success or failure of the business. We can't deny that we all have been surrounded by energy. Now, these energies work to attract fortunes or misfortunes in life. Remember - elders constantly remind you to stay happy! Thus, energy plays a role in bringing good or bad things into our lives.
How do we use the concept of energy in astrology in selecting an auspicious name for the business?
In astrology, we use the principle of important planets and their respective nakshatras. The Moon is the most important planet, takes the lad here. The Moon represents our mind and thinking. Everything we do and feel in our life depends upon our mindset. Thus, the Nakshatra of the natal Moon or janma Nakshatra holds much significance in astrology. Let'sLet's understand the role of Nakshatra in selecting lucky business names.
Role of Astrology in business name selection
In Vedic astrology, the placement of planets and their relationship in one's Kundli (birth-chart) can provide insights into one's strengths, weaknesses, and potential for success in different areas of life, including business.
Some astrologers believe that choosing a company name that aligns with the planetary energies in Kundli can bring positive energy and success to the business. In astrology, a business's name is believed to impact its success and prosperity significantly. Some astrologers use numerology and the planetary influences in a person's birth chart to suggest lucky business names.
Janma Nakshatra, also known as the birth star, is the constellation in which the Moon was located at the time of a person's birth. In Vedic astrology, Janma Nakshatra is considered an essential factor in determining an individual's personality, traits, and potential for success in different areas of life, including business.
According to some astrologers, keeping a business name that aligns with an individual's janma Nakshatra can enhance the success and prosperity of their business. Each Janm Nakshatra is associated with a specific letter of the alphabet, and choosing a business name that starts with that letter may bring positive energy and success.
For example, if a person's Janma Nakshatra is Bharani, associated with the letter "A," they may choose a business name starting with "A." Similarly, if a person'sJanma Nakshatra is Krittika, which is associated with the letter "U," they may choose a business name that starts with "U." Activating the Janma Nakshatra can bring positive energy and success to a person's life. There are various ways to activate the Janma Nakshatra, such as performing nakshatra puja or wearing gemstones associated with the Nakshatra.
There are 27 nakshatras in astrology, and each Nakshatra has a lord and the syllable associated with it. For example, the lord of Ashwini nakshatra is Ketu, whose syllable is "chu, cha chi." Each Nakshatra has four padas, and each pada has a significant syllable. A competent astrologer will take references from the nakshatra pada of an individual to suggest a company name as per kundli.
How does Nakshatra work for a firm name by Astrology chart?
When we keep the name of the company or business firm starting with the syllable of the janma nakshatra, we tend to activate the lord of that Nakshatra. The activation of the Nakshatra by calling the syllable associated with it repeatedly attracts the blessings of the nakshatra lord. It is like initiating the lord associated with your janma nakshatra. People perform various practices to activate the janma nakshatra lord.
Performing Nakshatra puja is a way to honor and appease the ruling deity of the Nakshatra. The puja involves offering prayers and performing rituals to the deity. This is believed to bring blessings and positive energy to the person.
Wearing gemstones associated with the Janma Nakshatra is another way to activate it. Each Nakshatra is associated with a specific gemstone, and wearing that gemstone is believed to enhance the positive qualities associated with the Nakshatra. For example, wearing a pearl for the Janma Nakshatra of Rohini is believed to bring emotional stability and prosperity.
Business Name Suitability with Date of Birth
The first guiding rule is to follow the janma nakshatra and keep the company name in sync. Keeping a business name based on janma nakshatra brings positive energy and success. Another guiding rule is to consider your type of business and the target audience. Every planet signifies certain types of business or areas of work. For instance, if you are selling perfumes or luxury products, you should consider Venus in your birth chart. The Nakshatra it is sitting in the natal chart and will play an important role in attracting positive energy and success to the business.
A good astrologer finds the strongest planet in your birth chart, and keeping the name of the business firm or company in sync with that planet also attracts positivity to the business.
Other important factors worth noticing are that the name should be easy to remember, pronounce, and spell and convey the business's essence. A good business name can help create a strong brand identity, increase customer recognition, and attract more business.
The tenth house and your lucky business name
In Vedic astrology, the 10th house and its lord are significant in determining one'sone's career, reputation, and success in the world. If the 10th lord is strong and well-placed in the birth chart, it can indicate success in business and career.
Regarding business name selection, some astrologers suggest incorporating the Nakshatra of the 10th lord in the business name to enhance the success and prosperity of the business.
For example, if the 10th lord is located in the Nakshatra of Ashwini, which is associated with the letter "Chu," the business name could be chosen to start with "Chu." Similarly, if the 10th lord is located in the Nakshatra of Hasta, which is associated with the letter "Pu," the business name could be chosen to start with "Pu."
However, it's important to note that while incorporating the Nakshatra of the 10th lord in the business name can bring positive energy and success, it's not a guarantee of success. Business success depends on effective branding, sound business strategies, market demand, and customer satisfaction.
Business name calculator- Know Your Lucky Business Name by Birth Date instantly
You don't need to worry about your lucky business name. Just use the most advanced calculator provided at the site and instantly know your lucky business name. You just need to provide your basic birth details, and the calculator will calculate the lucky business name as per the birth chart. It will consider your janma nakshatra, the 10th lord and also the strongest planet on the chart. It performs complex astrological calculations quickly to suggest the most suitable syllable for your business or company.
Consultation for business name selection
One can take astrological consultation for business name selection if starting a new business or facing constant failures in the current business. The business name calculator is equally effective, but with manual astrological expertise, things are even better! The consultation for business name selection suggests the best name suiting the business type and can also give you other valuable business-related information.
Astrology consultations can cover a wide range of topics and be tailored to an individual's specific needs and questions. Some people seek astrology consultations for personal growth and self-discovery, while others may seek guidance on relationships, career choices, or health concerns.