The ultimate goal of marriage is often to have a healthy child, but some couples face difficulties conceiving without medical issues. Factors such as age, lifestyle, obesity, stress, unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking and medical conditions can affect fertility. Identifying and addressing any potential issues in progeny in advance becomes essential.
In such cases, seeking guidance from an astrologer to determine the auspicious time for conception may be considered. Garbhadanasamskara, the first Sanskara of Shodashasamskaras, is a pre-planned family ritual to conceive a virtuous and blessed child. The Shastras prescribe specific rules for GarbhadanMuhurta to ensure conception at an auspicious time with religious purity. This ritual is believed to remove impurities related to conception and the female reproductive system, leading to the birth of a healthy child.
Astrology can help in conceiving and delivering a healthy baby. Here, we will explore how astrology helps plan and conceive a baby.
The Role of Astrology in Pregnancy
Astrology can significantly influence pregnancy and childbirth, providing insight and guidance throughout the journey. Astrological charts and horoscopes can be used to determine the best time for conception and identify any potential issues or challenge that may occur during pregnancy. Pregnancy astrology by date of birth can also guide diet, lifestyle, and other factors that can impact the mother's and child's health and well-being. Additionally, astrology can offer support and guidance during stress or uncertainty, providing peace and clarity during this important life transition.
In addition to timing and guidance, astrology pregnancy prediction can also help couples prepare for the arrival of their baby. Astrological readings can provide insights into the baby's personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses, helping parents better understand and connect with their child. Astrology can also guide on choosing a name for the baby based on their astrological chart, which is believed to bring luck and success. Furthermore, astrology can offer support during the postpartum period, providing insight into the mother's health and recovery and guidance on caring for the newborn. Overall, astrology is a powerful tool for couples during pregnancy, offering guidance, support, and insight throughout the journey.
Astrology can also help couples deal with pregnancy's emotional and psychological aspects. Pregnancy is a time of great anxiety and uncertainty, and astrology can offer support and guidance in navigating these complex emotions. For example, astrological readings can help couples identify any potential sources of stress or conflict during pregnancy, allowing them to address these issues before they become problematic proactively. Astrology can also guide maintaining a positive mindset and staying focused on the positive aspects of the pregnancy, helping couples remain calm and centred during this potentially overwhelming time. Additionally, astrology can offer support during times of loss or difficulty, providing comfort and insight into the reasons behind such challenges and offering guidance on moving forward positively and constructively.
Astrology can also help couples to plan for the future and make important decisions regarding their family. For example, astrological readings can guide when to try for another child and the optimal timing for important milestones such as starting school or pursuing higher education. Astrology can also offer insights into family dynamics and relationships, helping couples to navigate potential challenges and maintain strong and healthy relationships with their loved ones. Additionally, astrology can help couples to connect with their spirituality and tap into their inner wisdom, fostering a sense of peace, balance, and well-being throughout the entire journey of pregnancy and beyond. Astrology is an effective tool for couples seeking a happy, healthy, and fulfilling family life.
Best Time for Conceiving A Child As Per Astrology
As per astrology, the best time for childbirth varies based on the individual's birth chart and planetary alignments. Astrologers may analyze the position of the fifth house and its ruler and the placement of Jupiter and Venus in the birth chart to determine the optimal time for conception. Additionally, favourable transits of Jupiter and Venus can indicate a good time for fertility and conception.
According to traditional beliefs, the timing of conception plays a crucial role while planning for a child by astrology. It also helps in determining the gender of the child. The ideal time for conception is between the 4th and 16th night of the day of the female partner's menstruation. Conception on even nights such as the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th is believed to result in the birth of a male child, while odd nights such as the 5th, 9th, 7th, 11th, 15th and 13th are believed to result in the birth of a female child. However, it's important to note to note that the couple's birth horoscopes, also play a role in determining the outcome of conception. Among the auspicious nights, the 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, and 16th nights are considered particularly auspicious for conception.
Certain nakshatras are believed to be ideal for conception, while others are considered inauspicious. The best nakshatras for Garbhadansamskara are the fixed nakshatras, including Uttara-phalguni, Uttara-Shada, Uttara-Bhadrapada, and Rohini. Other favourable nakshatras include Mrigshira, Anuradha, Hastha, Swati, Dhanistha, and Shatabhisha. On the other hand, aggressive and Deeksha nakshatras such as Poorva-phalguni, Poorva-Chadha, Poorva-Bhadrapada, Bharni, Magha, Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha, Krittika, and Revati are to be avoided for Garbhadansamskara. The remaining nakshatras are considered to be of medium significance for conception. It is believed that the choice of nakshatra can put a significant impact on the overall well-being of the child, as well as on the overall success of the pregnancy.
According to astrology, certain tithis or lunar days are considered auspicious for conception. The best tithis for Garbhadansamskara are 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 13, while 4, 9, and 14 are inauspicious and should be avoided. Tithis 6, 8, and 11 are also not considered good. Additionally, Amavasya and Pournima are not recommended for conception. Regarding days, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, and Monday are considered the most favourable for conception, while Monday during Shukla paksha is considered medium to good.
In astrology, the position of the ascendant or lagna is crucial for conception. For the best time to conceive, according to astrology, the benefic planets should be placed in Kendra and trikona houses, while malefic planets should be in upachaya houses. The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter should aspect the lagna, and the Moon should be in the odd navamsha. Additionally, the Chandra bala, or strength of the Moon, must be examined for both the male and female horoscopes.
A related sub-ceremony known as "Mishka" or the first coitus should be done on auspicious days and tithis, such as those falling in Rohini, Mrigshira, Pushya, Hastha, Uttara-Bhadrapada, and Revati nakshatras. Avoiding the first three hours of the night and approaching the act with a cheerful and friendly disposition is advisable.
Good time to conceive a baby
For those who are not well-versed in astrology, a simple approach to adopt a good time to conceive according to date of birth is to consider the following during Garbhadan: a) Favorable constellations (Nakshatras) such as Shravana, Rohini, Anuradha, Swati, Revati, Moola, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Shatbhisha. b) Ordinary constellations like Pushya, Dhanishta, Mrigshira, Ashwini, Chitra, and Punarvasu. c) Disregard the remaining constellations. d) During nuptials, ensure that no planet is positioned in the 8th house.
Another combination of astrology for conceiving a baby
As per the guidance of pregnancy by astrology, utilizing the Ashtavarga system can provide more detailed results for conceiving a child with desirable traits. The couple must follow pre-pregnancy planning by astrology and choose a date for their Garbhadaanmuhurta (conception) to meet the following criteria simultaneously:
On the day of the Garbhadaanmuhurta, Jupiter should have at least four favorable points in its own Ashtakvarga as per good pregnancy astrology tips to plan a child
Jupiter should be in a kakshya (a subdivision of a sign) whose lord contributes to these auspicious points.
The lord of Jupiter's Akshaya should not be an enemy ("Shatru") or a bitter enemy (Adhi-shatru) of Jupiter. Ideally, the lord of the Akshaya should be Jupiter's best friend ("Adhimitra").
The total sum of auspicious points for all seven planets on the selected date should be more than 30.
If the couple desires a male child, Jupiter should be positioned in a kakshya of a male planet such as Jupiter, Mars, or the Sun.
If a female child is desired, Jupiter should be positioned in a kakshya of a female planet such as Venus or Moon.
Dates on which Jupiter is positioned in the Akshaya of Mercury or Saturn should be avoided, as these planets are considered eunuchs.
Jupiter should be in transit in a sign that is strong in the native's Sarvaashtakvarga (a chart that shows the strengths and weaknesses of each sign in a person's horoscope).
The transit of the Sun should be in a sign with the highest number of auspicious points in Jupiter's Ashtakvarga for better results.
For precise timing on the chosen day, sexual intercourse should be done when the rising sign has the highest number of auspicious points in Jupiter's Ashtakvarga. It is believed that conception is most likely to occur now.
In addition to the above, one can also use "Chaughadiamuhurtas" to determine auspicious intra-day timings. If the efforts for conception occur during a good "Chaughadiamuhurta" on the chosen date of the Garbhadaanmuhurta, especially during the "Amritchaughadia," it is believed to ensure the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy.
As astrology examines the position of planets and their placement in different houses at the time of birth, it can be useful in predicting childbirth and identifying potential issues related to it by analyzing the birth horoscopes of both parents. Furthermore, astrological remedies can be recommended to appease the planets and mitigate any difficulties. Therefore, consulting astrology regarding children and pregnancy can be advantageous.